Hey all,
This weekend was great. Truly amazing. I have a TONNE of pictures to put up so I'll keep this text brief, but I hope you all enjoy the photos! On sunday I went to Upper Canada Village. I WILL Live there. Its a fact. For those of you who dont know it, its a 1860's period town set up about an hour outside the city. My cousin, her husband and I went up and by god, I WILL live there and LOVE it. I bought a ten pound bag of organic whole wheat flour, that I WATCHED A MAN GRIND between two VERY large stones. I bought cheese that I WATCHED A MAN MAKE, and a fife that they sold! It. Was. Amazing. It was my perfect world, of history, costumes, music and fall colours. It was a perfect day. However getting there was a large issue as I was supposed to meet my cousin out by her place, but I took the right bus, but going in the wrong direction....so I put us an hour off schedule, but c'est la vie!
That night, Derek my new piano playing friend, Alyssa, Megan and I went to this great basement pub called Manx pub on Elgin St. Holy good food! That was nice. We have made it a sunday night ritual to get a few grad students together and have dinner somewhere. Its like grad school therapy. Cathartic.
Yesterday (monday) was also a great day. Read all day, passed in grant applications, and then went to the Ottawa symphony. Eds piano teacher David was playing Prokofiev 3 with the OSO, and then they played Shostakovitch 7 (Leningrad). Fan-freakin-tastic. Its so nice to have a 2 pro orchestra's constantly doing concerts that I get into for 12 bucks...Amazing. The weird thing was that we were running REALLY late, and we walked into the building like AS the concert was starting. Alyssa and I were literally the last two people into the NAC hall. Anyway, as Alyssa and I were walking across the foyer we turn our heads to see a massive poster of the face of our thesis advisor Chris Moore staring at us. He apparently was giving the pre concert talk. It was like a big brother moment. Advisor is always watching, advisor is always right, you love advisor. Then as we sat down (just as the tuning note ended :S) we open the programs and the very first page is a full page picture of Chris again!! HE"S ALWAYS WATCHING.
Today is less eventful. I did laundry. And tonight I sit backstage to "TA"/ do my own work. Its a good week friends. Now here are about 5000 pictures to entertain you all.
Love you all, miss you all,
Its not pretty, but it does the job well! |
My laundromat! |
On the way to see the OSO last night. Those are the Parliment buildings. I am so lucky to live here :) |
I was confused by this church. It said "church of england" but the pastors house next door said "Lutheran Pastors Home" and the decor inside was Catholic....That was the only weird history slip.... |
Hand crafted chairs |
Very cool cabinet |
This was the school house. I would have taken a picture of the school marm, but she said she'd use the leather strap on me if I did....so here is a chalk board! |
This is where they made the cheese ! |
Piggies |
Growing Veggies |
Erika and I pet this cow for a solid ten minutes. It also ate a carrot. |
Duck! |
River |
Apothicary! |
This man wasnt in character...and he had prison tats.... |
10 minutes to cut through one log! |
beaut! |
Where tha man made my flour! |
This powers the upstairs weaving machine, all run by waterwheel! |
Dennis is on a Pennyfarthing, but you cant ride them....lawsuits.... |
Huge fish at UCV |
I aparently have predictive thought, bucause I took a picture of the bus route numbers that were the ones I was NOT supposed to be on... |
View from the bus stop on Laurier |
Ed bowling with his eyes closed.... |
On my walk to school. |
Tabaret Hall- Our Equivelent to UHall |
Ian sitting in the cosmic fun...you cant see him |
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